Shippers Disagree with Resolution for Carriers

Shippers disagree: this is how they manifest according to different organizations in the Spanish sector. And it is that shippers have not liked the resolution on the agreement reached by the carriers with the Executive. This is due to complaints about negotiations, in which the shippers were unable to carry out their own requests. And therefore, leaving their demands out of the agreement. Something that, however, carriers have succesfully done.

Its is important to remember that a few weeks ago a carrier strike was called. This was finally called off when an agreement was reached. However, there are unresolved pending points that concern shippers. For this reason, shippers are in disagreement. As they say, due to the “great impact that a large part of the measures that were part of the negotiation have for them.”

The National Federation of Transport Associations of Spain (FENASDIMER) did listen the requests of shippers.

“The press release issued jointly by the associations that group the main loading companies and mass consumption establishments in Spain has caused in FENADISMER surprise and perplexity after the agreement reached last Friday between the transport associations and the Ministry of Transport, and which allowed to revoke the strike scheduled for this Christmas week “- Statements on the agreement of carriers and why shippers disagree.

However, as these statements show, the claims of the shippers have not been taken into account.

From associations related to shippers, such as ACES, AECOC, ANGED, ASEDAS and FIAB, they emphasize the calling off of the December strike. Despite the good news, they emphasize that the shippers’ requests have been “excluded from the dialogue and negotiation table.” Thus keeping shippers in disagreement with the resolution for carriers given by the Government.

Nevertheless, “it is not the first time that the associations representing the shipping companies have tried to maneuver and influence the Administration.” Also in order to “further deteriorate the activity carried out by the road transport sector.” Examples of these statements by FENADISMER refer to last July. In it, an intrusion took place when the National Council of Land Transport endorsed the draft Decree for the modification of the Land Transport Regulation. This one that tries to introduce a greater deregulation of the sector, thanks to the favorable vote precisely of the associations of loading companies. Although it was a matter apparently outside shippers’ scope. And despite having the position against the carrier associations.

The conflict between shippers and carriers, as stated by FENADISMER, is nothing more than the claim of shippers “to persist in their dominant position and to impose the working conditions of their supplier carriers”.


Sources: Loginews & Fenasdimer