Changes to ADR 2023 regulations on the transport of dangerous goods


The ADR regulations (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) regulate, facilitate and ensure the safe transport of dangerous goods by road and usually change every two years.

Until 30 June 2023, transport was permitted under ADR 2021 but from 1 July 2023, the only valid version is ADR 2023.

At XGL we are concerned about keeping up to date with the changes that occur in international transport regulations, so we have prepared this post for you to know the most important changes that come into force this month:

– Disappearance of UN1169 and replacement by UN1197 for liquid extracts.

– Shippers will also be obliged to appoint a dangerous goods safety advisor.

– Safety compliance measures include a Certificate of Approval for the owner or operator of a tank who must keep the tank dossier for at least 15 months after removal of the vehicle.

– The time of use of composite IBCs/IBCs (bulk containers) is from the date of manufacture of the inner receptacle, being between 5 to 10 years if they are properly maintained.

– In waste transport a new section is added: which states that companies must estimate the exact total amount of waste under certain conditions for the cases of packaging/packaging.

– In transport of waste, a new section is added: which states that companies must estimate the exact total quantity of waste under certain conditions for packaging, containers and tanks. It also indicates when estimation is not allowed and requires the following statement to be included in the consignment note: “ESTIMATED QUANTITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH”.

– The checks to be carried out on the transport unit prior to loading shall address the good structural condition; condition of the bottom, walls and roof and tightness of the container.

– Significant defects preventing the use of bulk containers and containers or vehicle body shall be those affecting structural or supporting elements and lifting or handling equipment.

– The words “stabilised”, “temperature controlled” (where stabilisation has been achieved by this means) and “melted” (initially solid substance which is melted for transport) should be added to the proper shipping name where appropriate.

– Some FL vehicles must have thermal protection and a fire extinguishing system for the engine. The above vehicles may still be used.

– The container capacity may exceed 400 kg in certain cases.

– It will not be necessary to carry the packing certificate in the vehicle.

We hope we have helped you with this summary, and as you know, if you need to transport dangerous goods by road, ask us for a quote and rest assured that with XGL your goods will travel safely and in accordance with current regulations.